Space-time (without gravity) as a Clifford super-affine algebra.

Esercizi svolti: disequazioni di primo grado e frazionarie
10 Luglio 2018
General relativity: criticalities, hypothesis and misconceptions.
19 Aprile 2019


One of the problems that has always beset me is the definition of time. Some authors like Carlo Rovelli argue that it doesn’t exist; yet, personally I’m against this interpretation, since I find it impossible to define the concept of motion without a memory (ie, to measure a motion from point A to point B, I’m forced to “remember” that I started from A to arrive at B, ie the event “position = A” precedes the event “position = B”). Thus, in this article time will be interpreted as “ordered memory of events”, and it will be given a very specific geometric meaning, consistent with the physical and mathematical forecasts of special relativity.

But that’s not all: in deepening this intuition, I realized how this fits perfectly well both with the holographic formulation of space-time and with energy and time quantization, which I have included in the theory.

In addition, I wanted to tackle a problem of definition that hides in my opinion, a major problem of physical understanding of events and measures, that is: if we base our current physical theories on the “principle of conservation of energy” we must ensure that the energy it’s not a derived quantity, but a fundamental quantity from which space and time derive (otherwise we would be constructing a theory on something not yet defined).

Alessandro Rovetta

For the PDF version of the article, Click here

NEW VERSION: April 22, 2019

space-time as a geometric algebra

For the PDF version of the article, Click here


OLD VERSION: November 2, 2018

Click here

Alessandro Rovetta
Alessandro Rovetta
Ricercatore scientifico nel campo del COVID-19, ove ha ottenuto dieci pubblicazioni accademiche, Alessandro Rovetta lavora come revisore paritario per numerose riviste accademiche prodotte da British Medical Journal, Dove Medical Press, Elsevier, Frontiers, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Public Library of Science, e Springer-Nature. Dal 2020 a oggi, ha svolto oltre 130 revisioni paritarie certificate Publons e ORCID. Inoltre, ha affrontato con successo numerosi corsi sulla revisione paritaria tra cui la prestigiosa Publons Academy. Fonti:

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