General relativity: criticalities, hypothesis and misconceptions.

Space-time (without gravity) as a Clifford super-affine algebra.
2 Novembre 2018
Come calcolare il dominio di una funzione: esempi
18 Giugno 2019

With this small article I tried to shed light on some ambiguities of general relativity, that is, some points on which I found several conflicting opinions (even between teachers and researchers).

I hope the 20 articles listed in the bibliography, for not even 4 pages of research, can be evidence of my effort.

This is a sincere attempt at scientific sharing, born of passion and love for Physics. Therefore I am very open to corrections and/or suggestions, as long as they are made with constructive intent and in respect of education.

Thank you all, Alessandro.

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For the PDF version of the article, Click here

Alessandro Rovetta
Alessandro Rovetta
Ricercatore scientifico nel campo del COVID-19, ove ha ottenuto dieci pubblicazioni accademiche, Alessandro Rovetta lavora come revisore paritario per numerose riviste accademiche prodotte da British Medical Journal, Dove Medical Press, Elsevier, Frontiers, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Public Library of Science, e Springer-Nature. Dal 2020 a oggi, ha svolto oltre 130 revisioni paritarie certificate Publons e ORCID. Inoltre, ha affrontato con successo numerosi corsi sulla revisione paritaria tra cui la prestigiosa Publons Academy. Fonti:

1 Comment

  1. John Duffield ha detto:

    This looks interesting, Alessandro. You might like to compare it with something I’ve written:

    The infalling observer doesn’t cross the event horizon at v = c. Because at the event horizon, c = 0.
    He doesn’t reach the event horizon, he turns into a gamma ray burst. See Friedwardt WInterberg’s 2001 paper Gamma Ray Bursters and Lorentzian Relativity:

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